READING: Apache Wedding Blessing

Friday, April 8, 2011 por | | |

Now we feel no rain,
for each of us will be shelter to the other.
Now we feel no cold,
for each of us will be warmth to the other.
Now there is no loneliness,
for each of us will be a companion to the other.
We are two bodies,
but there is one life before us and one home.
When evening falls,
I'll look up and there you will be.
I'll take your hand;
you'll take mine and we'll turn together
To look at the road we traveled to reach this - the hour of our happiness.
It stretches behind us,
even as the future lies ahead.
A long and winding road,
whose every turn means discovery.
Old hopes, new laughter, shared fears.The adventure has just begun.

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I was doing some band practice with my two sons, Sean age 14, and Aaron age 10. It was going so well my wife decided to video some of it for posterity. Well, it came out OK but the sound could have been better; however, for an unplanned recording it does demonstrate the boys playing ability at this date [Feb 2010]. Please note these two have only been learning guitar since the summer of 2009.

Anyway, thanks for reading this and watching the video.

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