HAPPY VOW RENEWAL: Loren and Crystal!

Saturday, April 9, 2011 por | | |

The second ceremony of the weekend was in honour of Loren and Crystal's fifth wedding anniversary. The couple chose to renew their vows in a small ceremony that included two friends, on a beautiful hill overlooking Malibu, CA's ocean.

An excerpt from their vow renewal ceremony:

"The word “renew” has slightly different definitions that are all applicable to Loren and Crystal. One definition of renew is ‘to arrange for the extension of’. After five years, Crystal and Loren certainly desire to continue their marriage for five more, ten more, even fifty more years!

"Renew may be defined as ‘To regain the physical or mental vigor of; to restore, revive or replenish’. We seek to renew Crystal and Loren’s wedding vows because they have both worked very hard to overcome difficult challenges in their relationship, and as a result, they both have a better understanding of themselves and of each other.

"Renew can also mean ‘To take up again; to resume or reestablish’.

"Finally, another definition of renew is ‘To repeat so as to reaffirm’. "

i feel vow renewals are so important, simply because of a couple's history and experiences together, upon which the vows are renewed.

For more information on vow renewal ceremonies, please contact me through my website, A NON-DENOMINATIONAL CEREMONY.

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Related Videos :below I show related videos and not so related to this article.

Title: Busou Renkin - Renewal (Happy Birthday Vee~)

Get the song here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/one-nation-underground/id214380368

Original Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xItM7Q05TeM

Before anyone kills me, i know its on the 28th D: I just wanted to upload it early e.e

But anyways, Go and sub the birthday girl ;D


Enjoy the Video!

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