Father's Day!

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Dad and I asleep at the airport several years ago : )

My dad is the smartest man in the world. I've been convinced of this since I was maybe 2 years old. Still am, and it's not blindly that I think this. Ask him why he feels the way he does about any given issue, and you'll get some incredibly logical, well-informed reasoning. He's also the strongest. The guy has run a 100-mile race in less than 30 hours. And the bravest. And the kindest. Yup. I'm fairly certain my dad is a super human. He works harder than anyone I've ever met and has this insanely high level of self discipline that I wish I'd inherited. He's taught my brother and sister and I to be fair and keep our integrity. He goes out of his way to make sure we all have the means to follow our desired path. He is patient - most notably on a trip to New York, where he braved 3 Broadway musicals, and waited patiently outside stores while my mom and sister and I shopped. He always puts other's needs before his own. The admirable qualities aside, he also has a fantastic sense of humor. The home he and my mother created for my siblings and I is full of laughter and love. Daddy, you're wonderful. Thank you so much for everything and a belated happy father's day! ?

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