Unproductive notes...

I haven't really blogged lately because there isn't honestly much to say. The only productive thing I've done in the past couple of days was going to IKEA and buying bed sheets and comforters for college. I still have lots of necessities to buy, but I'm going to go try to pick up as much of that as I can tomorrow with my Dad. I'm starting to pack already, because I'm afraid I'll forget things if I do it last minute. I can't believe I'm going off to college in 2 weeks.

Continuing from the topic of college, I got my dorm assignment. I'm going to live in a double in an on campus apartment. I'm going to have 4 suitemates. I've only talked to one of them through facebook and she's really nice. I can't wait to meet her in person. In addition, I finally enrolled for classes. I'm waitlisted on my math class, and I'm crossing my fingers that I'll get in. I'm #1 on the waitlist. Overall, enrollment was a pain to say the least.

What other things have I've been doing you ask? I've been playing Asda Story. It's a MMORPG. It's a fairly new game to the North America. Beta testing ended just a couple of weeks ago. The original version is in Korean and it's called MicMac. I've been playing for about a couple of days now, and I've been liking it so far.

Unproductive notes...The game has a lot of quests and grinding (game term), but I personally do not mind. It's a nice change for me from playing Ragnarok, which I quit awhile ago. I only have one character so far. I'm a Two Handed Sword Fighter and currently level 22. If anyone plays the game, feel free to message me on the game. My character name is 'Kumiko'.

Moving on, I've also been watching 'Moonlight Resonance' with my mom. It's so addicting. I got into it because 'Heart of Greed' was so good. I haven't loved a TVB series this much in a long time.

Unproductive notes...I love Raymond Lam! He's so cute and adorable. I hope he ends up with Linda Chung in the end. :) Bosco's cute too but I like Raymond more.

Until next time, bye y'all!

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Title: How to Break through a CREATIVE BLOCK

Sometimes I just feel downright lazy, unproductive, and like a complete loser. I feel like I'm wasting my time and that I'm dishonoring my passions, talents, the work that's important to me. Anyone that's dealing with anything at least remotely creative knows what I speak of. Writers call it "writer's block." And I guess a painter would call it "painter's block?" Being a naturally contemplative, calm, meditative, and take-it-easy sort of dude, I can appreciate what it means to constantly take a step back from your work, whatever it may be, and allow the mind to settle and the creative energies to reform. If it wasn't for these sort of meditative breaks of calm, tranquility, and relaxation, I wouldn't be who I am as many artists wouldn't be able to do what they do. But sometimes we go overboard and what starts out to be a nice little break from our passions becomes a stagnancy and laziness creeps in little by little each passing day that we aren't doing what we love. Perhaps we're scared. Perhaps we feel that it's too hard to make our mark on the world with so many other people out there. Perhaps we've lost confidence in ourselves. Perhaps all of these things. When this happens a wall is erected between or passion and ourselves. We become cut off from our own art. Art being the product of our creativity. Artist being one who creates — painter, programmer, accountant, writer, etc. To be more exact, one who creates with love and passion and joy is the Artist. We are all Artists and perhaps most of us don't even know it. So when you stop creating what you love, everything that you are comes to a standstill and it's as if someone presses the pause button on your life. Now you're just breathing, eating, and sleeping, but not living. So here's a little meditation that I came up with to help you breakthrough any creative block you may be facing. 1.)Start out by building space around and inside of yourself. Space being room in your mind — don't think. Space being distance between you and any distractions — nosy parents & neighbors, unwanted noise, little kids running around, anything that can potentially distract you. Do whatever you have to do to find peace and calm throughout your body and spirt. Play soothing and inspirational music. Or perhaps do some yoga poses. Maybe go for a walk. Remember, you don't have to be physically inactive. Though I prefer to sit silently and listen to some good music, usually of soft sounds and less of words, like Sigur Ros, Radiohead, or The Flashbulb. Do this for as long as it takes to get you to that emptiness. Then, gently, almost imperceptibly, allow the passion of your art to fill you. Gradually begin to feel the joy of your passion. Feel the warmth and pleasure of your passion. Don't stick to anything, though. Remain empty. When you feel the excitement of your passion taking over, they joy, just observe it and let it flow through you. If you feel frustrated and blocked, then that's okay too, just let it flow through you. Be gentle with yourself. Remain looses, flexible, and allow yourself to float away in your passion. Do this for 15 minutes if you can. 2.) Then immediately begin your work. If you're a writer, then write. Painter, then paint. Programmer, then program. Activist, then hit the streets. Professional marijuana grower, then into your grow room! Just go do what you love. Regardless of how you feel at this point — inspired or uninspired, creative or stupid — doesn't matter, just jump into the work. Work for a bit, then stop. 3.) Completely leave your work alone for at least a few hours, preferably a day. Allow ideas to come to you during this repose and take mental notes — don't write anything down. No matter how brilliant, just let anything that comes to you just come to you. Same thing with bad feelings, feelings of laziness, unworthiness, etc.. Just let them come and flow through you. Don't hold onto anything and you'll be building up creative energy to pour into your work. 4.) Then get back to your work a day later and repeat steps 1 -3. Do this meditation for 1 - 2 weeks. And if you like the results, you may even choose to do this everyday before you start working. I do. It helps prepare my mind, body, and spirt for the creative work to come. It creates the inner path for Nature to work through me. Terence McKenna said it best: " Nature loves courage. It shows you that it loves courage because it will remove obstacles. You make the commitment...and the world will lift you up. This is the trick." Visit http://mindpetals.com to watch more videos

Title: Piano lessons - You're doing it wrong!

Here is a my little rant about Piano lessons. I really feel that they are teaching piano in an unproductive way, trying to teach it all classical instead of chords like guitar. That's why there are all the guitar bands these days, John Mayer, Jack Johnson, and hardly any piano bands like Kean and Maroon 5.


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