Anthony & Juliana - Twins - Baby Pictures - NJ Portraits by

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 por | | |

Marianna and Jimmy had their babies July 6, 2010 at St Barnabas Hospital in Livingston. The twins were born at 34 1/2 Weeks. Their names are Anthony Francesco and Juliana Francesca. Anthony is named after his Grandfather and Francesco is after his Great Grandfather. Juliana's middle name is Francesca after her Aunt. They did quite well in the hospital being preemies. Little Anthony needed a little oxygen and was on a feeding tube for a few days and Juliana was eating through a bottle and needed no oxygen. Marianna and Jimmy couldn't be happier having twins. It was a difficult road for Marianna to get pregnant and with a little help they were blessed with not one but two beautiful children. Congratulations guys! Enjoy!

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