Who Said Romance Was Dead?

Monday, February 14, 2011 por | | |
9:06am Sunday.

sms recieved: "I went Firstfloor and this girl came up to me with same hairdo as u. Well i was going to book in2 rehab because i thought it was u and she wasn't the best. Fuckin biter she is. Lucky some1 confirmed it wasn't u cause i had panic attack cus i remember u being real cute with the eyebrow, mate thank fuck i was worried my judgement was slippin : ) "

this one might be a keeper....
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Title: Matchbook Romance- Lovers & Liars (Lyrics)

Lyrics Bellow Let's start out by starting over. What did I expect? You're no good at lying and I'm no good at comebacks. But you're so untouchable. I'm oh-so-terrible at this. I'm terrible at this, you know. Don't hold this against me. I've already said I'm sorry. And I bet you've got every word I said memorized in your head. And you'll use every one of them, and you'll use every one of them against me. Don't hold this against me. I've already said I'm sorry. (Tell all your friends about me) Don't hold this against me. I've already said I'm sorry. I hope you choke on every word you spoke when you were screaming at me. And realize how many times I've tried, but that's wishful thinking. All I want is an apology for what you did and how you treated me. Get me far away, or at least as far as this car will take me. I hope you choke on every word you spoke when you were screaming at me. (Get me far away, or at least as far as this car will take me) (Tell all your friends about me) And realize how many times I've tried, but that's wishful thinking. (Get me far away, or at least as far as this car will take me) (Tell all your friends about me) All I want is an apology for what you did and how you treated me. (Get me far away, or at least as far as this car will take me) (Tell all your friends about me) I hope you choke on every word you spoke, I hope you choke on every word you spoke (Get me far away, get me far away...) (Tell all your friends...) Don't hold this against me. I've already said I'm sorry. (Tell all your friends about me) Don't (Tell all your friends about me) hold this against me (Tell all your friends about me) I've already said I'm sorry (Tell all your friends about me)
Title: Why My Chemical Romance is NOT a suicide cult!!!!!!

This video is an ultimate collection of clips proving that My Chemical Romance do not want everyone to kill themselves and are not promoting self harm in their lyrics!!! In May 2008 the Daily Mail wrote two articles called "Why no child is safe from the sinister cult of emo" and "Girl, 13, hangs herself after becoming obsessed with Emo 'suicide cult' rock band" (My Chemical Romance), after Hannah Bond, a 13 year old girl, killed herself. She classed herself as an emo and was a fan of My Chemical Romance. They said that emo "links death with glamour" and that "Emo fans wear dark clothes, practise self-harm and listen to 'suicide cult' rock bands". This is a complete generalisation and a very stereotypical view that shows no research went into really finding out about them. They also said that "One of the foremost of these 'suicide cult' bands is My Chemical Romance" First off, My Chemical Romance has ALWAYS denied being emo and are completely against self harm and suicide. In fact they really want to help you and save your life if you are feeling depressed. The Daily Mail also wrote that when Hannah was discovered with cuts on her arms "she told [her parents] she'd inflicted the wounds herself and that it was part of an emo 'initiation ceremony'". I have never ever heard of this before - an emo initiation ceremony????? They also (ignorantly) said that "the 'black parade' is a place where emos believe they will go when they die". This is ridiculous. The Black Parade is the name of My Chemical Romance's 3rd album. It is not emo heaven. They do not know what they are talking about. I personally believe that many people who are already depressed/suicidal/have tendancies to self harm, may be attracted to My Chemical Romance because, yes, their lyrics do talk about death. But MCR cannot be blamed for these people's problems. They must already have things going on in their life that are making them feel like this - music often HELPS people to cope when they have issues to deal with. I do not own any of the clips but I have only taken small sections, so I hope no one is offended by this.


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