Save the Date Originals offered the sane crowd several magnets. A 3.5x2 inch magnet design, a 4.1x2.6 inch design, and even, a car magnet.
This is a good example of the non-wedding related design/printing products STDO will end up working on. In this case, a fun project! The rally goers had a good sense of humor.
These are refrigerator magnets that will surely "stick" around for a while on your fridge to remind rally goers of the day.
On the left: a woman holding this magnet at the Boise satellite rally. On the right: a car magnet.
Get one of the 3.5x2 inch magnets here:
The car 8.5x5.5 inch car magnets are no longer available.
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Related Videos :below I show related videos and not so related to this article. was on hand for the Rally to Restore Sanity And/Or Fear hosted by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert at the National Mall in Washington on Saturday, October 30, 2010.
The crowd was huge, the weather fine, the signs memorable, and the people...well, let's just say they were there too. Some were apolitical and just out for a fun day, some were big fans of Comedy Central's best-known personalities, some were inadvertent dadaists, and more than a few defined sanity strictly in terms of heartily agreeing with themselves.
Approximately 6 minutes long. Shot and edited by Jim Epstein and Meredith Bragg, with assistance from Josh Swain. Interviews by Michael C. Moynihan and Nick Gillespie. With help from June Arunga.
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On October 30, 2010, thousands of people gathered in the National Mall for the "Rally to Restore Sanity" called for by Jon Stewart on his show.
While participants attended for a variety of reasons, many of them raised concerns about the deteriorating state of news media, especially the hyperbolic and hyperpartisan content of 24/7 cable news networks.
Many of those who expressed concerns nonetheless cited partisan news outlets as their primary source for news, while others cited The Daily Show, something Mr. Stewart has discouraged.
Not a single participant listed their regional newspaper as a source for news, and it was telling that the majority of the people we spoke to were unaware of the details of the elections in their congressional districts (this despite many of them having already voted.)
If an intention of the "Rally to Restore Sanity" was to dissuade people from voicing divisive and paranoid political accusations, it was not enough to deter the fringe. In lieu of the Birthers common at Tea Party events, there was a small presence of 9/11 Truthers who accused the Bush administration of orchestrating the 9/11 attacks. (Doubtless, these flimsy conspiracy theorists will infest the comment threads in needless defense.)
But for the most part, the rally represented a congenial gathering of center to center-left people who are opposed to ideological purity tests and uncompromising dogmas, and who focused their blame on the divisive media coverage of political issues.
Thank you to John Rixey for the closed captions.
This NEW LEFT MEDIA film was produced and edited by Chase Whiteside (interviewer) and Erick Stoll (camera operator). Additional camera by Zac Sleeth.
All donations to New Left Media go toward to production of future videos. Any contribution, no matter how small, will go a long way in keeping us online.
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