BATIK SUROBOYO Batik Suroboyo 'Bayusumilir Pattern with Suro and Boyo (Fish and Crocodile)

BATIK SUROBOYOBatik Suroboyo in Sawunggaling Motives


The color of Batik Suroboyo (Batik Surabaya) has the specific characteristics such as green tosca, maroon (red), and yellow. Those colors have been the basic color of Batik Suroboyo. Those colors represents the characteristics of Surabaya people who brave and openness. Those colors are also influenced by the characteristics of coastal area, and then the motives chosen is simple motives, such as leaves (such Daun Semangggi), spiraling upward (of plants), flowers, fish and crocodile (Suro and Boyo), fighting cock (Sawunggaling), and also mangrove. The Daun Semanggi dan Sawunggaling is the icon of Batik Suroboyo.
The creator of Batik Suroboyo is Hj. Putu Sulistiani Prabowo, 50 years, the owner of Dewi Saraswati Gallery and Workshop at Surabaya.


BATIK SUROBOYOLulut Sri Yuliani and Batik Mangrove

BATIK SUROBOYOBatik Mangrove Pattern

The other motives of Batik Suroboyo is Batik Mangrove or also called as batik "SeRU" (Seni batik Mangrove Rungkut). This batik was created first by Lulut Sri Yuliani, an eco-activist who concerns on preservation of mangrove forest and the community living around it. Starting from her dream of making her own garden look greener, mother of Nadia Chrissanty Halim was appointed chairperson of Environment Care Forum of Rungkut Sub-district, Surabaya. After an intimate introduction with mangrove, she began to look after the best solution for preserving mangrove as well as creating its sustainable community. The first solution was Sirvega, liquid soap made of Toga mangrove. She claimed that the soap specially made for washing batik cloths is eco-friendly as made of mangrove from species Jijibus jujuba and two other plant species.
Eventually, mangrove forest gives her brilliant ideas. As former art teacher, she applied her artistry into her latest concern to create Mangrove batik. Leaves, flower, fruit, and other parts of mangrove tree as well as organisms living on the environment become her main inspiration. The result, there are 44 pattern designs of mangrove batik she has created in 2009, such as "Aegiceras corniculatum", "A. floridum", "Avicennia alba", "Bruguiera cylindrica", "Lumnitzera racemosa", "Acanthus ilicifolius", "Xylocarpus granatum", "Sonneratia alba", "Rhizophora mucronata", "Pemphis acidula", "Nypa fruticans", "Barringtonia asiatica", "Calophyllum inophyllum", "Calotropis gigantea", "Pandanus tectorius", "Acrostichum aureum", "Ipomoea pes-caprae".
Each pattern is specifically titled according to both local and latin names of mangrove species it resembled. Pattern of Tanjang putih, for example, is depicting mangrove growth that resembles the species Bruguiera cylindrica of the family Rhizophoraceae. In Mange kasihan pattern, a tree featuring the species Aegicera floridum from the family Myrsinaceae is delicately design with figures of crab, fish, dan shrimph as its decorations.
Apart from the pattern, this new batik style also uses various parts of mangrove tree on its process of production. In coloring process, a mixture made of fruit and flower of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza is used to create red. Shade of yellow is taken from mixture of Turmeric (Curcuma longa) and Calophyllum inophyllum, locally called nyamplung.
As a handmade and eco-friendly art, Mangrove batik has its own exclusive value. Developed within a society with very fluid, flexible art value, each piece of mangrove batik has its own perfection as well as human flaw. Each of 60 batik artists on the society work freely in applying patterns and their combinations. The most important value lies on its eco-friendly processing method. What makes it more special is that it takes a month to make a piece of mangrove batik, three weeks longer than chemically processed batik.
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Semanggi Surabaya Semanggi or sometimes being called as pecel semanggi, is one of Surabaya traditional culinary. This food is rare to be found, and tends very difficult to find. The problem is about the limitedness of the semanggi or clover leaves as the main ingredient. The seller who sell Semanggi is commonly middle-aged ladies who walk around the menu by lifting up the basket while making some particular noise like "Semanggiiiiiii" in order to let the people know their existence. The ingredient in pecel semanggi is, of course, Semanggi leave (Marsilea crenata) or boiled clover leaves, there is also boiled bean sprouts. Those leaves are completed by the seasoning sauce that made of boiled sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) mix with palm sugar, salt, shrimp paste, little bit peanut and chili. Mix all the ingredients until it form of sauce. This pecel served without rice, only clover and bean sprouts vegetables which sprinkled the seasoning sauce and served in banana leaf Pincuk, it is kind of banana leaf that folded and used as kind of plate. There is no spoon or fork to eat this food but krupuk. We can eat this pecel semanggi using particular cracker called kerupuk puli. This cracker is made of rice, some Javanese people call this cracker as kerupuk gendar. This cracker is large enough, and we can just chunk the cracker to be the spoon and eat together with the dishes. The vendors are mostly from Benowo area, west of Surabaya. Because of the difficulty of the raw materials of clover leaf, the seller is selling uncertainly. Sometimes once a week, sometimes every two weeks. The clover leaf that used is not a wild clover, which is commonly grows in rivers and rice fields, but it purchased from a person who cultivates this clover. If we lucky, we can find this food in some restaurants or stalls, but the originallity is coming from those ladies who carry away their menu in the middle of modernity vendor that walking around the city. We should be so proud to them anyway. The price is similar between those walking ladies, which is cost around Rp. 3,500 per pincuk. But if we buy semanggi in restaurant or stalls in will cost Rp. 8,500 -- Rp. 10,000 per pincuk. Convenient takes more price. The ladies who carry the basket and sell semanggi have particular outfit that signify the semanggi seller. They always wear batik cloth and kebaya, a traditional Javanese cloth, complete with scarf that wrapped over their head in such a way to be a base on the basket when it lifted up. One hand is holding the merchandise on the head, while the other hand is carrying a basket containing banana leaves to be a Pincuk and other gear. Sure it takes incredible balance so that the merchandise is not spilled out. Have you enjoy your Semanggi, today? More info visit
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Petunjuk cara pemakaian canting elektrik prosuksi kami. dari arek suroboyo


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