Supima Lasting Moments Contest for Brides

Supima, maker of luxury cotton goods like super-soft towels and linens, is sponsoring the Supima Lasting Moments contest for us brides to share our engagement and wedding stories and win Supima products!

Supima products are sold at lots of retailers around the country, and the contest site has more then ten big-name stores where you can add their luxury towels and linens to your wedding registry.  Plus, they have great tips for brides, like how many towels to register.  I didn't know I need 6 - 12 bath towels!

There are TWO easy ways to enter the contest!

1) Visit upload a video about your engagement or wedding.

2) Laugh, cry, and cheer at all the uploaded videos in the public gallery, then vote on your favorite video. You can vote five times per day!

Let's get to the prizes!

Twelve lucky brides will win sets of Fieldcrest® Luxury white towels. Imagine these big fluffy towels in your bathroom and linen closet!

Looking at all those big soft towels make me want to run out to Bed, Bath, and Beyond real quick and add them to my own registry!

See the full contest rules and prize descriptions here.

** This post brought to you by Supima Lasting Moments

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